This is HSR 011! So stoked to welcome Bielefelds three-piece Modern Saints to the family.
Formed in 2013 out of an intention to finally hit the road again. All members have been playing in various bands for years, taking them to places they wouldn’t have been, making friends they wouldn’t have met – if it wasn’t for music. With 2/3 of the band being past the blooming age of 30, it’s too late to break with tradition now.
Writing songs at a break-neck speed, Bielefeld’s three-piece is coming up with a striking debut full length in 2014. No friends of being categorized, yet the band can’t deny growing up on a good dose of snotty pop punk and rock’n’roll. Any last words? Don’t go to church. Listen to Thermals, Jawbreaker, and Iggy Pop. Amen.
They released their self-titled debut full length through Coffeebreath And Heartache, Hectic Society Records and Shield Recordings! This fine collaboration features three editions of 100 copies each.
Pressing Information:
100 x black with white splatter
(Hectic Society Records Edition)
100 x chrystal clear with black splatter
(Coffeebreath & Heartache Edition)
100 x black with blue splatter
(Shield Recordings Edition)
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